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Children are what they are taught. Choose wisely.

If we have learned anything over the last few years, it’s that we are living in strange times. We have also learned that life changes quickly. That’s why it’s so important that parents choose the people to raise their children if they couldn’t be there. And it’s not a decision anyone should make hastily. Once upon a time the most important thing parents thought about was whether their choice for guardians believed spanking was appropriate discipline or whether their kids would be comfortable financially with the chosen guardians. Today, there may be a lot more at stake. Family and personal values, political views, and social issues have become increasingly polarizing. It’s important to remember these factors when choosing your guardians. Maybe your sister has a great job and a big home and takes lots of vacations but when you sit around the Thanksgiving Day dinner table, chaos ensues between you at the mere mention of topics like gay rights or the current political climate or the state of public education. When you choose your guardians keep in mind that these people will stand in your shoes, raising your children, molding their ideas and it’s important to consider the ideology your chosen guardians have where hot button issues are concerned. We all know that as children grow, they are likely to make up their own minds about certain things (usually based on the ideas of their own peer group), but the family and home environment they grow up in is integral in forming those minds. Never leave guardianship to chance. Children are what they are taught. Choose wisely.

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