Get to Know Us

We help parents choose and document the most important decision of all.
Many people worry about what would happen to their stuff if something happened to them and although that matters, it doesn't matter the most. What would happen to all that you truly love if something happened to you? Your little ones. We help you plan and protect what you leave behind that really does matter the most. We've created an affordable, comprehensive plan that's quick and easy and lets you decide what happens to your children if you can't be around to care for them.
We believe every child should be raised by people who love them as much as their parents do.
Imagine your children, at the worst moment of their young lives, being taken by strangers to a place that's not home and a bed that's not theirs to spend who knows how long. If you don't have your choice for guardians documented, if you don't have clear instructions for your babysitters, daycare centers, and schools, your kids could be taken in by your local social services agency if something ever happened to you. It may not be for long but even an hour would seem like an eternity when you're little and alone. No parent wants that for their kids. We don't want that for your kids. We believe every child should be surrounded and cared for by the people you choose if the unimaginable ever happens. That's why we've created a set of comprehensive, affordable guardianship documents for parents like you. Good parents who plan.
In fact, we care so much about our mission that for every plan purchased, we donate one plan to a family in need, military member, first responder, or foster/adoptive family. Your purchase helps protect your children and theirs.